::Post Nº44::[LERONSO] BOM Set de maquillaje #3 LELUTKA EVO X / [LERONSO] HAIRBASE v4 for Lelutka EVO X


💜[LERONSO] BOM Set de maquillaje #3 LELUTKA EVO X

¡Este producto está disponible en el evento LEVEL!


This hairbase is available at the XXX ORIGINAL EVENT!



💜[LERONSO] HAIRBASE v4 for Lelutka EVO X

This hairbase is only for Lelutka Evo X! Buns and hairpins included.

[MARKETPACE] https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/186859   

✅[IN WORLD] http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Monaco%20City/154/184/160